- "O sonho de Wagner". Plataforma Revólver. Lisbonne, Portugal
- "O sonho de Wagner". Plataforma Revólver. Lisbonne, Portugal
- "O sonho de Wagner". Plataforma Revólver. Lisbonne, Portugal
- "O sonho de Wagner". Plataforma Revólver. Lisbonne, Portugal
- "O sonho de Wagner". Plataforma Revólver. Lisbonne, Portugal
- "Noir Profond", Bandits-Mages, Bourges
- "Noir Profond", Bandits-Mages, Bourges
We were hungry before we were born
(Nous avions faim avant d’être nés)
Laque blanche murale, 126 x 174 cm. Crâne humain soclé et doré à la feuille d'or 22.5 carats.
"We were hungry before we were born" est une vanité, s'inscrivant dans la continuité du genre qui invite à méditer sur le caractère fugace de la vie, la fuite du temps, et du triomphe de la mort.
Sur une surface rectangulaire blanche, brillante et immaculée, il y a un crâne humain.
Sa cavité a été dorée à la feuille d'or, mettant en valeur son relief rhizomique et accidenté.
Le crâne est criblé d'une balle.
"We were hungry before we were born" signifie l'appétit pour ce qui manquait.
Le manque donne souvent lieu à un sentiment d'envie.
L'envie s'accompagne d'un désir de s'emparer de ce qui est désirable, voire de le détruire, et que l'adversité aggrave.
C'est une détresse qui accroît le sentiment de persécution et de culpabilité, l'envie est une pulsion de mort.
We were hungry before we were born
White wall lacquer, 126 x 174 cm. Human skull base and gilded with 22.5 carat gold leaf.
"We were hungry before we were born" is a vanity, part of the continuity of the genre that invites us to meditate on the fleeting nature of life, the flight of time, and the triumph of death.
On a white, shiny and immaculate rectangular surface, there is a human skull.
Its cavity has been gilded with gold leaf, highlighting its rhizomic and rugged relief.
The skull is riddled with a bullet.
"We were hungry before we were born" means the appetite for what was lacking.
Lack often gives rise to a feeling of envy.
Envy is accompanied by a desire to seize what is desirable, even to destroy it, and which adversity aggravates.
It is a distress that increases the feeling of persecution and guilt, envy is a death drive.